Safety Net Blog

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Splish, Splash

It was one of those moments when I kept thinking, “How stupid can you be? You’re a safety consultant!” Fortunately, such thoughts don’t occur very often, but there I was in my driveway…

General  •  October 06, 2009

Lifting: You Can Measure the Risk

If you have manual handling tasks at your place of work, don’t keep your workers safe by accident. All manual handling tasks should be evaluated for risk of injury by considering the force of exertion, frequency, body mechanics, type of load and han...

General, Manual Material Handling  •  October 01, 2009

Friction Reducing Devices—A Better Solution

Within the healthcare industry, repositioning patients is always a serious concern. The science of lifting a human and gravity are important aspects to a safe move.

Healthcare, Safe Patient Handling & Mobility  •  September 23, 2009

Connecting Workplace Safety With Home Safety

Millions of workers attend some sort of safety related meeting on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The effectiveness of these trainings in changing workplace behaviors and attitudes is questionable—reading the same tool box talk for the tenth time...

General  •  September 16, 2009

A Changing of the Guard at OSHA

On the 5th of August, President Obama selected Dr. David Michaels, a research scientist and professor from George Washington University, as the new head of OSHA. How will this affect you and your business?

General, OSHA  •  September 14, 2009

Distracted Driving

Lately, it seems every time you read, watch, or listen to a news outlet, texting and cell phone usage while driving are the major topics of discussion. States are quickly trying to nip this issue in the bud.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  September 09, 2009

The Industrial Athlete

In professional baseball, a pitcher is removed from a game after pitching approximately 100 pitches. He is sent to the locker room, shoulder iced down, and allowed to rest for the next 2 or 3 games before pitching again.

General, Manual Material Handling  •  September 07, 2009

Boating Safety Statistics

As the unofficial end of summer approaches, Labor Day weekend will mean that our waterways will be congested with boaters for what may be the last time this summer. While it’s not related to many workplaces, we thought it was important to remind us ...

General, Transportation, Outdoor Safety  •  September 03, 2009

New Employee Orientation—Delegating the Wrong Tasks

Is your new employee orientation plan as sharp as your formal training program?

General, Hiring Practices  •  August 31, 2009

Back to School Construction—Commuters Beware

The impending close to summer reared it’s ugly head earlier this week while dropping my daughter off at 6:30 AM for the first of her pre-season double session practices. That also dredged up images of the hundreds of school buses and thousands of pa...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  August 27, 2009

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