Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

Hypothermia: When "Cold and Wet" Is Dangerous

On a hot, summer day, “cold and wet” provides relief and refreshment no matter how it’s delivered. But, during the winter months, “cold and wet” can be a life-threatening combination.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  January 24, 2011

If You Lead Safely, I’ll Follow

Last month I was speaking to a group of supervisors and middle managers about the role of the front-line supervisor in workplace safety. We discussed that in some organizations, workplace safety and health responsibilities are assigned to a safety co...

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  January 13, 2011

See More With Less? Yes!

Office environments are usually well lighted, and believe it or not, this poses some problems for the computer operator. Offices have been around for a long time but the world of computers is relatively new.

General, Office Ergonomics  •  January 04, 2011

Winter Arrives: Ready or Not

Winter arrived in parts of the Northeast a few weeks earlier than the calendar says it should. Here's some advice our own Peter Koch posted last winter.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  December 09, 2010

Click It or Ticket Revisited

Twenty-five years ago I was a paramedic working for an ambulance service. Seat belt usage was somewhere around 25 percent. In other words, only one of four drivers used the belts. Being young and impressionable I was left with one lasting impressi...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  November 23, 2010

Planning and Perseverance: Budgeting for 2011

My wife approached me the other day with a list in hand, I always get nervous when she does that. She had been working on the 2010 Christmas list and had questions (opportunities!) for me to assist with the task.

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  November 11, 2010

Does My Company Need a Written Safety and Health Program?

This week a business owner asked me if he needed a formal safety program. His business employed 10 people and has been successful in preventing workplace injuries for several years. However, he felt some level of uncertainty about his informal safety...

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  November 04, 2010

Part II: What do I really need for a Respiratory Protection Program?

The last time we blogged, we discussed the requirements of OSHA’s respiratory protection standard 29 CFR 1910.134, when companies exceed OSHA’s permissible exposure limits and when engineering controls are not feasible. We covered written plans, medi...

General, OSHA  •  November 02, 2010

Part I: What Do I Really Need for a Respiratory Protection Program?

So what’s OSHA’s stance on respiratory protection in the workplace? Does everyone need to have a program? Does everyone need to wear respiratory protection? The short answer is “no”.

General  •  October 27, 2010

Bed Bugs Bite but Not Disease Carriers

Recently, one of my customers from a social service organization asked if I could present a workshop on bed bugs to their risk management team. While not an entomologist by education, I accepted the request and proceeded to review the plethora of in...

General  •  October 18, 2010

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