Online Services Directory
We offer many ways to manage and improve your workers' comp program at your convenience. Use the links below (listed A-Z) to explore our online services.

Pay your workers’ comp premium when you process your payroll.

Manage installment bills and payments online. View and print installment bills, get notifications, make payments, schedule future payments, and opt for paperless billing.

EPLI Help Line
If you've added employment practices liability insurance to your policy, access the best in support and training to avoid conflicts in the first place.

First Report of Injury
Easily report medical and lost-time claims using our online injury reporting system.

Online Audit
Securely submit records online to reconcile your final earned premium. If you're eligible for this service, you'll receive a security code by mail that allows access.

Policy Portal
Access your policy online. Includes claim information, loss runs, and if you're a Maine business, dividend and premium billing details.

Safety Director
Get the best in online safety training, research and compliance. Includes free access to and HR.BLR.

Video Lending Library
Safety training at your convenience. Choose from 700+ videos to stream or request DVD by mail.