First Call 24/7 Injury Triage

How it Works
At the time of a work-related injury, managers or supervisors immediately help employees to access the First Call 24/7 Injury Triage line at 855-778-6111 and provide their MEMIC policy number.
The injured employee will speak with a registered nurse who will evaluate the injury and determine next steps for medical needs. By addressing the injury when it first occurs, the employee receives quick and timely care that can decrease lost time from work and costly emergency room visits. There is no additional charge for using the First Call 24/7 Injury Triage Service. Additional costs will only be incurred if the injured employee asks for or is directed to seek treatment with a medical provider through our telehealth offering or at a preferred provider location.
Injury Reporting
A first report of injury must be submitted to MEMIC. Our First Report of Injury (FROI) Reporting Portal is the easiest, most secure way to report an injury to MEMIC. Don’t wait until there’s an injury–register today.
Learn More about Injury Reporting
Advantages of Telehealth
During the triage call, the injured worker may be advised to seek additional medical care. For many work-related injuries, immediate treatment can be provided via a virtual visit with a medical provider versus an in-person appointment. Both patients and physicians have welcomed the convenience of a virtual visit–which means no driving to a doctor's office, missed appointments, or delays in waiting rooms as well as the added expediency of non-narcotic prescriptions and physical therapy scheduling. Connecting your employees with appropriate, quality care can help prevent a minor injury from becoming complicated and focuses attention on the wellness of your employee. If the injured employee opts not to use telehealth, they will be immediately referred to in-person medical care.
Getting Started with First Call 24/7 Injury Triage
MEMIC policyholders may use First Call 24/7 Injury Triage for any non-emergency work-related injury, at any time. Ensuring all employees are aware of 24/7 Injury Triage and how to access it is key to successfully incorporate it into your injury and claim management process. Our 24/7 Injury Triage Resource Kit contains informational materials to share with supervisors, managers, and injured employees.
Request the 24/7 Injury Triage Resource Kit Now
Get Started Today
MEMIC policyholders may use First Call 24/7 Injury Triage for any non-emergency work-related injury, at any time. Ensuring all employees are aware of First Call 24/7 Injury Triage and how to access it is key to successfully incorporate it into your injury and claim management process. Our First Call 24/7 Injury Triage Resource Kit contains informational materials to share with supervisors, managers, and injured employees.
Have Questions?
Please submit a request for more information using the MEMIC General Inquiry Online form and ask to be contacted by a member of the MEMIC Claims Team.
Online Inquiry