Manage Your Policy

Paying your bill is easy with our 4 ways to pay: eBill, Comp-As-You-Go, online one-time payment or by mail.
Premium audits are a yearly examination that allows us to accurately determine your final earned premium since the premium base of a policy is estimated at the beginning of a policy year.
Get 24-hour access to your policy, including claim information, loss runs, policy details and for Maine businesses premium billing and dividends.
Download the Policy Portal User Guide
Be Advised
MEMIC does not charge a fee for online payments.
We encourage you to go directly to MEMIC.COM when paying your premium. Beware of third-party-payment vendors. They are not affiliated with MEMIC, charge fees, and delay timely payment of your premium.
Report Payroll
Request W-9
Please include your policy number, contact name and company name in the email. You'll hear from us soon!
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