Safety Net Blog

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Put It Down to Save Your Life

The title of this post is lifted from the OSHA website's home page urging drivers to turn off their cell phones earlier this month in recognition of the Second National Distracted Driving Summit that was being held in Washington, DC. The OSHA site p...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  September 30, 2010

Remembering Paul

Today, we write with heavy hearts as we remember our former colleague and the founding writer of this blog, Paul Caret. Paul died earlier this week at the young age of 53. He suffered yet exhibited tremendous grace in his three-year battle with Amyot...

General  •  September 16, 2010


The national annual report on workplace deaths came out this week and it was reported as good news: 4,340 workers died on the job in the U.S. in 2009.

General  •  August 27, 2010

Walk On!

I recall a visit to one of my business accounts where two office employees were corresponding by e-mail with their cubicles merely eight feet from each other. I thought, boy, we sure have changed, and perhaps not for the better, since the days when ...

General  •  August 18, 2010

Born Ignorant

Many will say that safety is common sense or that “We’ve been lucky,” or that someone was hurt because “It was an accident.” But these are just platitudes and excuses.

General, Leadership and Management  •  August 10, 2010

A Little Caffeine Won’t Hurt, Right?

So, in a recent post we talked about the dangers of fatigue. If your answer to that problem is a cup of coffee, you may want to think again. But if you’re tired or you need a kick start to your morning, will a shot of caffeine really help?

General  •  August 04, 2010

Young Workers, Old Story: Too Many Injuries

The special health section in Monday's Boston Globe featured a cover story about an issue important to every parent and, hopefully, every employer: workplace safety for young workers, particularly teenagers.

General, Youth Safety, Hiring Practices  •  August 03, 2010

The Best 60 Minutes of Aging Workforce Advice

Yesterday, our ergonomist Allan Brown led a webinar about the much-discussed topic of the aging workforce. (A recording of the one-hour webinar is available to MEMIC policyholders on our website.) This demographic reality enters nearly every conversa...

General, Safety Programs  •  July 29, 2010

Fatigue: A Sleeping Giant Behind the Wheel

The next time you get behind the wheel, be it for work or pleasure, take a moment to consider how tired you feel and if you are really in the proper condition to operate a motor vehicle. This may sound like common sense, but all too often people ope...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  July 27, 2010

Drink to Your Health (and Safety)!

Water seems so ordinary that we may forget how vital it is. Between 40% and 60% of our body’s mass is made up of water, and nearly every major function of the body requires it.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  July 22, 2010

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