
The hospitality industry is fast-paced and often seasonal. This combination leads to challenges when it comes to workplace safety.
We help customers in the hospitality industry focus on setting policies and procedures that help workers easily understand how to avoid injury. We've found employee training is key in making safety part of their job.
Temporary Modified Duty Checklist Stretching and Moving for Your Health MEMIC Hospitality Safety Minute - Housekeeping CartsHospitality Podcast Resources
How to Manage Injury Claims w/ Jared Payton
Video Preview: Breakthrough Safety Leadership
Thanks to MEMIC’s Video Lending Library provider AP Safety Training, this preview is available for you to view. If you are a MEMIC policyholder, you have access to our full streaming and mail order video library with 1,000+ training videos to choose from.
Safety Net Blog
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The safety resources on are just the tip of the MEMIC iceberg! Safety Director, our web-based tool, offers more safety know-how and access to and