Safety Net Blog

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Reducing Housekeeping Strains May Be Just a Drop in the Bucket

When it comes to housekeeping workers, back and shoulder strains can be significantly decreased by, literally, a drop in the bucket.

Hospitality, Manual Material Handling  •  March 24, 2011

Crossing the T’s and Dotting the I’s in OSHA Training for General Industry

Figuring out the “who, what, and when” on OSHA safety training requirements can be a challenge for employers, especially for small businesses that typically don’t have a full-time safety person on staff. General industry employers are broadly define...

Manufacturing, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  March 18, 2011

Is Sitting Good for Your Health?

Inactivity (like sitting) has a profound effect on our bodies. Sitting increases disc pressure by as much as 50% and reduces cardiac output. It also affects our bodies at the cellular level, changing the production of certain proteins that contribu...

General, Office Ergonomics  •  March 11, 2011

Hiring Practices That Make Smart “Cents” for Safety

As the sluggish economy begins to heat up rendering a more favorable business climate, cost conscious employers looking to grow their workforce need to be even more vigilant to their hiring practices. The search for a suitable fit can be an exhausti...

General, Hiring Practices  •  February 28, 2011

Stay SAFE From the Winter Slip & Fall

It lurks around many a corner, on stairs, down drives, and walkways. It does not discriminate, taking down men and women of all ages and occupations. And it doesn’t care about an individual’s physical ability. Feeding on snow and ice, its tendrils...

General, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  February 18, 2011

Don’t Hit the Roof for Snow Removal

Near-record snow fall this year—coupled with sustained temperatures below freezing—has resulted in significant snow accumulations in much of the US. A relentless chore, and annoyance, for everyone responsible for keeping driveways, roads and walkways...

General, Outdoor Safety  •  February 10, 2011

More Shoveling? Say It Ain’t Snow!

Shoveling snow can be a grueling activity, but MEMIC's Allan Brown is here with a few tips to make it less of a pain.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  February 07, 2011

Shingles That Don’t Protect Your Roof

We often think of the cold virus as being “on the loose” during the winter months. Maine, having the oldest population in the country, has another virus, known as Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), that warrants attention at all times of the year.

General  •  February 01, 2011

February Reminder: Temporary Employees and OSHA Recordkeeping

Are you confused over recordkeeping requirements for your temporary workers? Here are some simple guidelines to help.

General, OSHA  •  January 28, 2011

Don't Let Gravity Get You Down

It is that time of the year when roads and walkways become slippery and hard to walk on. What we should not forget is that during the year, in any environment, slips trips and falls can be both painful and costly to all persons involved. Slips, tri...

General, Slips, Trips & Falls, Safety Programs  •  January 25, 2011

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