Safety Net Blog
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Does My Company Need a Written Safety and Health Program?
This week a business owner asked me if he needed a formal safety program. His business employed 10 people and has been successful in preventing workplace injuries for several years. However, he felt some level of uncertainty about his informal safety...
Born Ignorant
Many will say that safety is common sense or that “We’ve been lucky,” or that someone was hurt because “It was an accident.” But these are just platitudes and excuses.
Choices, Choices
That second it takes to make a choice, right or wrong, can be the difference between success and a loss. That choice is yours and your employee’s to make. Whether you like it or not, as a supervisor, once clocked in, the choices they make are your ...
Difficult Times? Be an Inspirational Leader
It seems that economic uncertainty is everywhere and is not likely to improve overnight. As a result, your employees are worried about many things and their jobs may be at the top of their worry list.
A Clear Observation of Organizational Culture
Recently, I had the opportunity to provide back safety and core awareness training at two locations of the same healthcare organization.
What is Safety Culture? -Part III
Last time, we talked about what a safety culture is. I mentioned that a successful company will integrate safety with business goals, creating a balance between all aspects of the organization, which allows the company as a whole to mature in the sa...
What is Safety Culture? -Part II
Last time, we talked about the ways in which having a safer culture can help reduce injuries. But what is a safety culture?
What is Safety Culture? -Part I
After we recently wrote about safety culture and consciousness, it occurred to me that not everyone really knows what we mean when we say “culture based safety.” With all the talk of buy-in, it is difficult to ask employees for it if you do not under...
Time to Set a SMART Goal
As we approach the end of yet another year, it's time to get prepared for the next one. One thing most safety-conscious companies do is set employee health and safety goals.
Safety Programs With Obvious Blind Spots
The following scenario always makes me scratch my head and wonder: "Why can't they see it?" I walk onto a job site and do my “self-preservation survey,” which means identifying hazards
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