1381-1390 of 1726 results for
Blog Taking Care of Those Who Take Care of Us

As highlighted in a recent NPR series on injured nurses, those who take care of us professionally have not always received the best injury prevention training and technology while on the job. Healthcare workers suffer higher rates of musculoskeletal ...

Blog Sun Safety: Just the Facts -Part I

Fact or Fiction - How would you answer these questions? A sun tan totally protects me from sun burn. Only UVB rays cause skin cancer. Tanning beds are better for you than the sun because they emit more UVA than UVB rays. SPF 30 provi...

Strategies for Safe Lifting and the Future of Manual Material Handling

At some point, every business handles materials. The efficient handling of materials, whether products, parts or paper, is essential for productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee well-being. Manual material handling refers to the process...

Blog The Menaces of Manually Moving Materials

Lifting, pushing, pulling, twisting, bending, and carrying materials and products. It’s an everyday part of most work environments. Training employees in body mechanics is good, but there are limits to what our bodies can tolerate. And ignoring...

Blog Ensuring Fire Safety While Protecting Employees from COVID-19

As we continue to combat the spread of COVID-19 within each of our workplaces, it’s important that the protocols we put in place do not create any additional safety concerns. To reduce the spread, we are all looking to reduce virus transfer in ...

Blog Pedestrian Safety - Are You a Jaywalker?

Last week’s post entitled, “Pedestrian Safety- Are you a Jaywalker?” focused on pedestrian behavior.Distracted walking is increasing and ultimately we are all responsible for our safety when walking along or across roadways. But the...

Blog Pedestrian Safety - Are You a Jaywalker?

Only the history buffs among us would know the origin of the descriptive term, “jaywalker.”  I’ll leave it to Merriam-Webster to describe the origin and original meaning as well as how we’ve gotten to the current understa...

Blog Employers are a Trusted Source for Vaccination Guidance

Employers are a Trusted Source for Vaccination Guidance As of the writing of this blog, COVID-19 cases in the US alone are well over 30 million with over half a million deaths according to CDC data. This pandemic has altered business practices and ha...

Blog COVID-19 Vaccines

The COVID-19 virus can be so nasty, deadly, and even chronic. At times it doesn’t run a course and fade away like most viruses. Are vaccines the answer? Voices throughout the global scientific, medical, and public health communities are ec...