Safety Net Blog

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Woodland scene with midnight blue sky and full moon

For the Year it's Been

With a successful countdown to magical merriment now behind him, looking down from high above, he arrives at cruising altitude. Snow-capped roofs and frosted trees speckle the frozen landscape as his steady team powers his flight on a tranquil, moonl...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, Leadership and Management  •  December 21, 2020
Report of Work Injury Form

Injury Reporting Versus Injury Recording (Part 2 of 2)

To further clarify an employer’s responsibilities, Part 2 of this series examines definitions and scenarios outlined within the OSHA recordkeeping standards.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA, Claims Management, Safety Programs, Return-to-Work  •  December 16, 2020
Boots equipped with traction enhancers.

Target Mapping to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls (STFs)

In 2018, out of the 900,380 nonfatal work injuries resulting in days away from work, 27% were related to slips, trips, and falls

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  December 08, 2020
Report of Work Injury Form

Injury Reporting Versus Injury Recording (Part 1 of 2)

We all dread that telephone call that informs us someone has been injured in our workplace. Our first and most obvious concern is for the employee and ensuring they have received proper medical treatment and that family members have been notified.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA, Claims Management, Safety Programs, Return-to-Work  •  December 02, 2020
Sun shining over a grassy field

Let The Sunshine In

Baby boomers will undoubtedly recognize this blog title as part of a song medley released in 1969 by the vocal group, The 5th Dimension.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, Youth Safety, Outdoor Safety, Wellness  •  November 19, 2020
Industrial ventilation system

Winter is Coming - is your Ventilation System Tuned for the Pandemic?

Blink and you will miss it. That is something I have been told many times while enjoying Maine’s beautiful summer days during my business travels.

Manufacturing, Services, Transportation, Inspection, Safety Programs  •  September 16, 2020
Car and truck involved in rear-end collision

Putting Rear-End Collisions Behind Us

Rear-end crashes are the most common type of vehicle collision accounting for 29% of all crashes. The National Safety Council reports that of the 37,100 fatal vehicle crashes in 2017, 2,700 were rear-end crashes resulting in 3,000 deaths.

Transportation, Driving Safety  •  February 12, 2020
A semi truck sits parked at a loading dock

Clearing Up The Question Of Chocking Em Up At The Loading Dock

There’s cargo coming in and freight going out at a fast and furious pace in Shipping & Receiving. With deadlines and commitments and no possibility to make time stand still, oftentimes drivers are eager and itching to leave the dock...

General, Transportation, OSHA  •  January 22, 2020
Blurred view  of car windshield with digital warning sign indicating vehicle is too close to vehicles in front.

Space Cushion – Your Margin for Error on the Road

We’ve all heard a number of safe driving principles such as avoiding distracted driving, following speed limits, never driving impaired, and the hazards of road rage. But there is another principle that deserves just as much attention.

Transportation, Driving Safety  •  October 02, 2019
Vintage Automobile In Green Field At Dusk

Drive Like it's 1948?

While going through some boxes of old family photos, diplomas, and other items that my parents saved for some reason, I came across a Minnesota Driver’s Manual.

Transportation, Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety, Safety Programs  •  May 14, 2019

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