Safety Net Blog

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National CPR and AED Awareness Week

Each year, June 1-7 is designated National CPR and AED Awareness Week. This is a collaborative effort between the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the National Safety Council.

General  •  June 01, 2017

Safe Golf Cart Operations

Golf carts have become quite a popular commodity these days, and not just for playing golf. In fact, golf carts are used not only in country clubs, but also on automotive dealership lots, large manufacturing facilities...

Transportation, General, Hospitality, Driving Safety  •  May 24, 2017

Bunk Beds De-Bunked!

Housekeepers unite! It’s time we de-bunked. While bunk beds are common in many segments of the hospitality industry and serve to increase the occupancy of a room, they can be a real pain in a housekeeper’s day.

Hospitality, Office Ergonomics, Manual Material Handling  •  May 19, 2017

Keep Lifts Between the Knees and Shoulder

How did this lifting range come into existence? Some might say experience and logic got us here. Actually, this guideline was developed through historical research done by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) using mechani...

General, Manual Material Handling  •  May 11, 2017

Hand in Glove (Suitably Protected)

Soon in northern climes with the arrival of spring and the greening of the outdoors, we’ll be outside digging in the dirt starting our vegetable and flower gardens, pruning shrubs, cleaning up yard debris, and mowing the lawn.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  May 04, 2017

More Than Love Handles

Emily Post’s book of etiquette indicates that a gentleman should put his hand under a women’s elbow as she steps off the curb to prevent any risk of falling. This courtesy may have started as early as the 1800’s with ladies’ large petticoats. At the ...

Healthcare, Safe Patient Handling & Mobility  •  April 27, 2017

Bloodborne Pathogens—When Is a Program Required?

A Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) program is a given for healthcare organizations, but what about other industries? Requirements may apply to more than just bloodborne pathogens.

Education, Retail, Hospitality, General, Safety Programs  •  April 20, 2017

Ergonomics and Mobile Workers

“Increasingly, work is something people do rather than a place people go.”

General, Office Ergonomics  •  April 10, 2017

What Is a JSA and Why Is It Important?

Are you struggling with integrating safety into daily work routines? Are you looking for ways to incorporate safety and health principles into key performance indicators?

General, Safety Programs  •  April 05, 2017

Are Your Employees Adding Value to Your Safety Culture?

In the workplace, the word “safety” can evoke two distinct opinions. Some see safety as the most important aspect of their business, a healthy investment which their company strives to promote throughout the workplace. Others see safety as code for ...

General, Safety Programs, Leadership and Management  •  March 29, 2017

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