Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

What Is This Herd Immunity?

Three times in the last year I have heard the term “Herd Immunity.” The first was during my physical, in the history taking portion. The second time was during treatment of a minor eye infection. The third was in an article I was studying for continu...

General  •  February 09, 2015

Preparing for 2015 Training? Don't Forget MEMIC's Free Video Lending Library!

As you prepare for your 2015 training needs, remember that MEMIC offers a free Video Lending Library to policyholders. Our video library houses hundreds of DVDs and streaming video titles. You may now view videos prior to ordering, and a free facilit...

General, Safety Programs  •  February 02, 2015

5% Weight Loss, Yes It Counts!

OK, so you have been gaining a little weight over the past few years. Last checkup, you were significantly farther north of your ideal weight than you thought. You are now significantly beyond that healthy BMI you keep hearing about and it just seems...

General  •  January 26, 2015

Containing The Contagion: Simple Steps To Fight The Flu

It comes on suddenly with a raw scratchy throat, a mild to severe headache, fatigue, and a runny nose. You suspect you’re coming down with a cold but soon a fever develops and your body is racked by chills and miserable aching. You’ve been hit by the...

General  •  January 20, 2015

Drug Use in the Workplace Impacts Safety

More job applicants and workers tested positive for drug use this year than last – the first time in more than a decade there has been a year-to-year increase in positive test results, according to the latest Quest Diagnostics report.

General, Leadership and Management, Claims Management  •  January 12, 2015

The Challenge for Home Health Care

With over 75 million baby boomers now beginning to reach retirement age a huge demand will be placed on the health care industry in the coming years. This is especially true in the home care sector as more people stay in their homes and look for aff...

Healthcare, Safe Patient Handling & Mobility, Safety Programs  •  January 08, 2015

The New Year's Resolution We Should All Make

Many people make a New Year’s Resolution, but that’s the easy part. Actually accomplishing the resolution is another matter. We usually want to lose weight, get a better job, manage our debt, or exercise more. These are commonly made, but rarely a...

General, Inspection, Manual Material Handling  •  January 05, 2015

Determining Your Power Grip Size

Hands come in different sizes and shapes. When choosing a tool for the job picking a tool that fits your hand makes the work more efficient. A handle too large or too small will cause early fatigue because of over or under gripping. How do you dec...

General, Construction, Office Ergonomics  •  December 29, 2014

Santa's Workshop Reins In On Injuries

It wasn’t always safety first at Santa’s workshop when the elves labored feverishly to finish all the toys needed for the big night. There was the time Dingle chipped a front tooth when he lost hold of the small wood chisel he was sharpening on the ...

General, Safety Programs  •  December 23, 2014

Not All Mice Are Created Equal

As an ergonomist, one of the most common complaints centers on the computer mouse. This necessary evil of computer input is the bane of so many workers, across all industries, men and women, young and old.

General, Office Ergonomics  •  December 15, 2014

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