Safety Net Blog

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Fatalities in the Workplace

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), there were 4,405 workplace fatalities in 2013. That equates out to almost 85 deaths per week or more than 12 per day! This is a very somber number.

General, Inspection, Claims Management  •  December 09, 2014

Seeing Stars on Ice

With all 50 states reporting temperatures below freezing on Tuesday, November 18th, ‘tis the season to pay special attention to the condition of outdoor surfaces underfoot. Indeed, it seems that Old Man Winter has descended upon us suddenly and with...

General, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  November 23, 2014

Do You Need Assistance Developing a Workplace Violence Policy for Your Healthcare Organization?

Workplace Violence in healthcare is becoming an epidemic and situations can be difficult to manage for many reasons. It can take place in many forms in the workplace, and when it does, it affects us all.

Healthcare, Safety Programs, Claims Management, Workplace Violence  •  October 31, 2014

Holiday Stress Shouldn't Compromise Order Fulfillment Safety

A customer placing an order and the processing of that order is the true nature of business! It is getting very close to Halloween and we all know that Thanksgiving is next. For many businesses, this realization means the busiest time of the year i...

General, Retail, Manufacturing, Hiring Practices, Leadership and Management  •  October 16, 2014

Combustible Dust: Good Housekeeping Practices Could Save Your Business

Good housekeeping practices not only help to maintain clean work areas, but in some cases, may prevent potential catastrophes. In 2008, we were witnesses of the dangers of combustible dust with the explosion at the Imperial Sugar refinery in Georgia...

General, Manufacturing, OSHA  •  October 14, 2014

Is the Air Safe to Breathe (in Your Workplace)?

When ventilation or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are used to protect workers from air contaminants, air sampling must be conducted to ensure those workers are not overexposed. Verifying that controls are adequate is critical. Air sampling fo...

General, Inspection  •  October 01, 2014

Changing Soon: OSHA Requirements for Reporting Fatalities and Severe Injuries

OSHA has just updated their criteria for reporting workplace fatalities and severe injuries. The change will take place on January 1, 2015.

General, OSHA  •  September 22, 2014

Why Should I Invest in My Wellness?

Hippocrates, whose oath physicians still hold sacred, once said, “A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.”

General  •  September 16, 2014

MRSA, VRE, and C. Diff! Oh, My!

You don’t have to wander into a spooky forest to encounter the likes of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Clostridium difficile (C. diff). These antibiotic resistant organisms are primari...

General, Healthcare  •  September 11, 2014

How Will You Respond in an Emergency?

September is National Preparedness Month and there is no better time to talk to your family, your coworkers, and your community about what protective measures to take before, during, and after an emergency.

General, Claims Management, Emergency Preparedness  •  September 09, 2014

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