Safety Net Blog

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Speeding car

Speed Limits Really are for Everyone

Nearly every adult in this country drives a car on a regular basis. Yes, many people commute via public transportation, ride a bike, or walk to work; but even many of those people drive a car at least occasionally.

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  July 17, 2018
Rabies test

Rabies on the Rise?

With the recent number of news stories on wild animal attacks in the Northeast, including a skunk, a couple of foxes, and even an ornery otter in Maine, one might think there’s a rabies apocalypse rising.

General, Healthcare, Outdoor Safety  •  July 11, 2018
Workers conducting job hazard analysis

Safety Programs: Are Yours Working?

Safety programs are important for any business. After all, what is more important than taking care of the people who work for your organization.

General, Safety Programs, Leadership and Management  •  July 05, 2018
Man with hand truck

One Man and a Hand Truck

Delivery drivers face a number of hazards in their daily routine. As road warriors, they contend with bumper to bumper traffic, inclement road conditions, and all too frequently - the distracted driver.

Transportation, Retail, General, Driving Safety, Manual Material Handling  •  June 27, 2018
fryer cooking potato wedges

Burn Prevention - A Hot Topic for Restaurants

The American Burn Association estimates nearly 500,000 burns are treated in medical facilities annually. This includes all burns from minor to severe. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded over 14,000 burns resulting in lost time in workplaces in...

Hospitality, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  June 20, 2018
trench box

Toiling Safe in the Trenches

The need for some form of support or protective system to prevent earthwork cave-ins becomes apparent when considering that two workers are killed every month in trench collapses.

Construction, OSHA  •  June 05, 2018
group of co-workers high-fiving

What Employees Really Want

According to Rick Conlow in his LinkedIn article “The Top 10 Things Employees Want From Their Job,” organizations benefit greatly by addressing the question “What do employees really want?”

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  May 30, 2018
driver texting while driving

Death by Text...or Other Distraction

As we approach the Memorial Day weekend, a huge percentage of people will be travelling across the country to visit family and friends. More traffic means more risk, so share this with the people you want to see “arrive alive.”

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  May 22, 2018
man with hand at ear listening

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! May is Better Hearing Month

A babbling brook, soft rain falling on the rooftop, a songbird singing and leaves rustling in an autumn breeze are just some of the sounds of life that can have a soothing effect on us.

General, OSHA  •  May 15, 2018
electrical current

Don't be Overwhelmed by Electrical Safety, Be Ec-static!

May sunshine has finally arrived, but that is not the only reason we are excited. National Electrical Safety Month is here, and it is time we bring some awareness to the dangerous electrical hazards that could be blossoming in your workplace.

General, Construction, Electrical  •  May 09, 2018

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