Safety Net Blog

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Summer Vacation or Tick Paradise? - Beware of Ticks!

Summer Vacation or Tick Paradise?

Summertime is finally here! For many of us, this means weekend camping trips with our families, hiking the nearby mountains, or otherwise spending time in our backyards relaxing.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  July 09, 2019
Drowsy Construction Worker Rubs Eyes

Seasonal Allergies - Drowsy Driving Equals Dangerous Driving

So, allergy season has been in full bloom for a time and many of us can probably write a note in the pollen on our vehicles.

General  •  June 28, 2019
Man working in sun wiping sweat from neck with a bandanna

Beat the Heat

Temperatures this summer are going to be hotter than average for the eastern and western regions of the country according to the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center.

General, Outdoor Safety, OSHA, Claims Management  •  June 25, 2019
Hazard Communications

Hazard Communication Isn't Hazardous Communication

As the title states, hazard communication isn’t hazardous communication; in fact, it’s downright beneficial to both employer and employee.

General  •  June 19, 2019
Worker Operating a Forklift

Forklifts - Raising the Bar

Forklifts, also called powered industrial trucks, are used across the globe by businesses of all kinds.

General  •  June 11, 2019
Satellite photo of large hurricane system

Be Prepared from Maine to Florida - It’s Hurricane Season Again

Since 1910, the Boy Scout motto, “Be Prepared” has been used to teach more than 111 million scouts around the world the importance of being ready at all times.

General, Claims Management, Emergency Preparedness  •  June 05, 2019
AED Safety Training

CPR and AED Awareness

CPR and AED Awareness Week is recognized nationally each year from June 1st to June 7th.

General  •  May 28, 2019
Man with finger on falling dominoes

What’s Your Safety Culture?

When it comes to safety, organizations of all kinds commonly strive for the ultimate goal - obtaining World-Class Safety Culture.

Safety Programs, Leadership and Management  •  May 21, 2019
Vintage Automobile In Green Field At Dusk

Drive Like it's 1948?

While going through some boxes of old family photos, diplomas, and other items that my parents saved for some reason, I came across a Minnesota Driver’s Manual.

Transportation, Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety, Safety Programs  •  May 14, 2019
Young Girl Working At Bakery

This Work Isn’t Child’s Play

Coming into the spring and summer many businesses in multiple industries begin looking for potential employees to help fill seasonal positions within their companies

General, Hiring Practices, Youth Safety  •  May 08, 2019

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