Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

Safety Programs With Obvious Blind Spots

The following scenario always makes me scratch my head and wonder: "Why can't they see it?" I walk onto a job site and do my “self-preservation survey,” which means identifying hazards

General, Leadership and Management  •  November 24, 2008

“When Should I Train Them?”

That's a question that's been asked many times on job sites and in training sessions. Owners, managers and supervisors that genuinely are involved with their employees’ health and safety are sensitive to this training need.

General, Leadership and Management, OSHA  •  November 18, 2008

Smoke Detectors – Basic Facts

The standard advice we all get about smoke detectors is to change the batteries when we “fall back” to standard time each autumn. With that important milestone now in our rearview mirror, here’s some other important facts about these lifesaving devic...

General  •  November 06, 2008

Flu Season: Reason for Concern

Every year about this time, we start seeing family and co-workers become ill with influenza. The flu is a rite of passage for many of us.

General  •  October 29, 2008

Is There Any Science to Shoveling?

Science and shoveling? The two might seem a comical pair since we're talking about one of the most basic tools used at work and at home.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  October 27, 2008

Texting and Wrecking

It's well-known among workplace safety geeks that one of the most frequent hazards employees encounter on a daily basis involves driving a vehicle. This includes not only risk for those who drive for a living, as well as those with incidental driving...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  October 20, 2008

Planning for Safety

Every once in a while I get someone who sends along their views and thoughts that are worth passing along. This is such a case.

General  •  October 15, 2008

Where’s the Boss?

This is kind of an interesting story recently told to me by one of my colleagues. It’s about training and the support needed from the top.

General, Leadership and Management  •  October 13, 2008

MEMIC Comp Summit Worth the Trip

Each year, MEMIC hosts a free conference for its policyholders, known as the MEMIC Comp Summit. The conference, held at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River Resort in Newry, Maine, boasts annual attendance of about 500.

General, Safety Programs  •  October 09, 2008

Can Safety Save Your Business?

As everyone knows, we are in an economic upheaval like we've never seen. We've reached the point where the government is involved in a Wall Street bailout of epic proportions. If larger companies are going bankrupt or being bought out at bargain base...

General  •  October 03, 2008

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