Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

What a Student Safety Intern Can Do For Your Company

With the college semester beginning, eagerness is in the air as students being applying for the ever-important internship for the upcoming summer. An internship is almost like a rite of passage in the collegiate world, something the student covets.

General, Education  •  January 26, 2009

Carbon Monoxide: An Undetectable Killer

Rod Stanley, Director of Construction Operations for MEMIC Loss Control, called recently to alert me of the first carbon monoxide claim of the winter.

General  •  January 21, 2009

Machine Guards and the Cost of Cutting Corners

Henry Reynolds, who works at MEMIC as a safety management consultant, recently told me a story that is a reminder about the importance of machine guarding. And why it’s smart to resist the temptation to cut corners.

Manufacturing, Construction, Inspection  •  January 12, 2009

Evaluating Personal Protective Equipment—Three Questions to Ask Yourself

My colleague and good friend Stewart Hall, a Safety Management Consultant at MEMIC, sent along some great points on Personal Protective Equipment the other day and I thought it was important to share them.

General, Inspection  •  January 07, 2009

The ABCD’s of Fire Extinguishers

We have all seen fire extinguishers around our facilities as well as in the home. Have you ever taken the time to actually look at the extinguisher to see what type it is?

General  •  December 29, 2008

Winter Slip/Fall Injuries—Are Your Employees Protected?

The winter months are more than just creeping up on us—as of this weekend, they’re here. Old Man Winter will once again blow his arctic breath, creating beauty beyond words and hazards unseen.

General, Outdoor Safety, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  December 19, 2008

The Big Chill Approaches

The temperature atop Mt. Washington in the White Mountains of New Hampshire hit 25 degrees below zero last Monday. And, with wind gusts over 100 miles per hour, the wind chill stood at minus-65 to minus 70 degrees. The scary part, pointed out by the ...

Ski, General, Outdoor Safety  •  December 15, 2008

There's Nothing Nice About Black Ice

Of all the driving hazards associated with winter, there is one condition that even professional truck drivers’ fear- black ice. Black ice shows up on pavement when it is least expected.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  December 10, 2008

Time to Set a SMART Goal

As we approach the end of yet another year, it's time to get prepared for the next one. One thing most safety-conscious companies do is set employee health and safety goals.

General, Leadership and Management  •  December 04, 2008

What Not to Serve This Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving a few days away, I thought it would be a good time to bring attention to the focal point of most meals, the scrumptious turkey and stuffing. This is not only a safety reminder for those employers whose business it is to serve Thanks...

General, Hospitality  •  November 25, 2008

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