Safety Experts Podcast

Because safety is more than just a policy, practice, or personal protective equipment, the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast hosted by Peter Koch will interview industry leaders every two weeks on the trends, tools, and techniques that are tried, tested, or emerging in the world of workplace safety. What you learn could save your life or the life of a friend or coworker, or at least save everyone from a few unnecessary cuts, burns and bruises. Thank you for your joining us in our mission to make work, and the world, a safer place.

Episodes are available right here, on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotify, and your smart speaker. Have a question, comment or idea for the show? We would love to hear from you, contact us at

Get insights from industry leaders on the trends, tools, and techniques that are tried, tested, or emerging in the world of workplace safety.

Leg, Muscle, and Knee Safety with Al Brown
Leg, Muscle, and Knee Safety with Al Brown

Introducing the MEMIC Safety Research Center with Mike Bourque and Luis Pieretti
Episode #39 | Published February 15, 2021

Data is a big part of how we make decisions. As a safety professional, I know that understanding the data can make the difference between suggesting a possible control and implementing the right solution. Finding the right data or conducting the right research also in the outcome. On this episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast, I speak with Luis Pieretti, Manager of Industrial Hygiene here at MEMIC and Michael Bourque, President and CEO of The MEMIC Group. Together we will introduce MEMIC's newest endeavor, dig into how it will bring data to bear and support MEMIC’s mission of making workers comp work better.

Up your NEAT w/ Allan Brown
Episode #9 | Published January 6, 2020

Do you sit all, or most of the day? Are you more tired, and sore after getting out of your office chair than you are after a workout? MEMIC’s Director of Ergonomics, Allan Brown, introduces listeners to the concept of how non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can increase your overall health and improve safety on the job. Brown asks, “When you get to that elevator, do you really have to push that button, or can you walk up?” In this episode, host Pete Koch and Allan Brown explore how basic activities like walking, standing, stretching and even chewing gum can improve workplace ergonomics and employee well-being.

Safety first? Safety Third? Safety all the time, with Randy Klatt and Greg LaRochelle
Safety first? Safety Third? Safety all the time, with Randy Klatt and Greg LaRochelle

Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention w/ Maureen Anderson
Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention w/ Maureen Anderson

OSHA and Workplace Injury Prevention with Gary Orr
OSHA and Workplace Injury Prevention with Gary Orr

Winter Driving Safety w/ Randy Klatt
Winter Driving Safety w/ Randy Klatt

Holiday Safety Fails and Fixes: Preventing Electrical Fires w/ Hartley Webb
Holiday Safety Fails and Fixes: Preventing Electrical Fires w/ Hartley Webb

Putting People at the Center of Work - Industrial Ergonomics w/ Allan Brown
Episode #5 | Published November 11, 2019

Does your back hurt? Is work literally a pain in your neck? Find out from MEMIC’s Director of Ergonomics Allan Brown if workplace ergonomics could be the culprit to some of your most common aches and pains. Good ergonomics is fitting the work to the worker, not the other way around. If you sit down at a workstation or desk or sit in a new vehicle and you don’t adjust anything, then you have to adapt yourself to the machine or tool. If you don’t make adjustments, then you may be exposing yourself to unsafe situations and blind spots.

Integrating Safety Programs with Joe Collura and Dave Darnley
Integrating Safety Programs with Joe Collura and Dave Darnley