Safety Experts Podcast

Because safety is more than just a policy, practice, or personal protective equipment, the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast hosted by Peter Koch will interview industry leaders every two weeks on the trends, tools, and techniques that are tried, tested, or emerging in the world of workplace safety. What you learn could save your life or the life of a friend or coworker, or at least save everyone from a few unnecessary cuts, burns and bruises. Thank you for your joining us in our mission to make work, and the world, a safer place.

Episodes are available right here, on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotify, and your smart speaker. Have a question, comment or idea for the show? We would love to hear from you, contact us at

Get insights from industry leaders on the trends, tools, and techniques that are tried, tested, or emerging in the world of workplace safety.

A Look into the OSHA VPP program with Bob Thompson
Episode #96 | Published April 25, 2023

Did you know that the average OSHA Voluntary Protection Program worksite has a lost workday incidence rate at least 50 percent below the average of its industry? Curious about what it’s like to go through the VPP process? On today’s episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast, Bob Thompson, former employee of a chemical manufacturer shares his experience of working on the volunteer team that brought the chemical plant into VPP compliance.

A Day In The Life of a US Army Safety Officer with Tobi Bledsoe
Episode #95 | Published April 10, 2023

Ever wonder what a Safety person does all day? Could be Training, or Safety by Walking Around, or completing a Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet, or even Relationship building. On today’s episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast Tobi Bledsoe, talks how his experience in the Navy prepared him to be the Safety Office for the US Army’s Pacific 10th Support Group.

My 5 Whys - Getting Safety Buy-In with Maryann Hoff
Episode #110 | Published November 9, 2023

Maryann Hoff, MEMIC’s Vice President of Loss Control discusses how industry and safety professionals need to better understand the why behind a safe workplace and breaks it down into the Five Whys of Safety Commitment.

Hearing Safely with Tyler Hadley
Episode #111 | Published November 20, 2023

Noise in the workplace can be dangerous. A loud environment can cause problems ranging from difficulties concentrating and stress to hearing damage and poor decisions. Controlling noise through engineering controls such as dampening, absorption, or isolation and help reduce injuries and increase productivity.

MEMIC - 30 Years in the Making – The Intersection of Safety and Insurance Excellence with Mike Bourque
Episode #100 | Published June 19, 2023

On this, our 100th episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast, I spend an hour with MEMIC President & CEO, Mike Bourque, as we talk about what has changed during our 30 years in business, how MEMIC continues to innovate around workplace safety, and why a carrier's role in workplace safety should be as a partner with the employer and the agent.

First Call - MEMIC's Injury Triage Tool with Lara Heal and Jared Payton
Episode #99 | Published June 6, 2023

Injury management is a key part of the workplace safety equation and getting the injured employee the appropriate level of care quickly and seamlessly is at the heart of the process. On today’s episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Lara Heal, Senior Director of Managed Care at MEMIC and Jared Payton, Direct of Claim Services at MEMIC join me to discuss MEMIC’s workplace injury tirage tool, First Call, how it works and why your business should enroll.

Will we do the uninspected? – How workplace inspections can help with Rod Stanley
Episode #97 | Published May 8, 2023

For some, a workplace inspection can be associated with a visit from OSHA or another certifying agency. Others may find them tedious and disconnected from expectations. However, workplace inspections can be a useful tool to connect what a business expects to the reality of the work being done. On today’s episode of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast, Rod Stanley, Director of Region 1 for Loss Control at MEMIC and I dig into the process and workflow of inspections and how they are an effective part of managing safety, quality, and productivity.

Lean Safety with Sean Fields
Episode #98 | Published May 22, 2023

Continuous process improvement for your safety program can challenging. However, with the right perspective, it can be integrated effectively and create an environment where quality and productivity thrive over the long term. To help provide that perspective is Sean Fields licensed professional engineer and certified Six Sigma Blackbelt with Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance.

Working Safely in Summer Heat
Episode #103 | Published July 31, 2023

Heat stress occurs when environmental conditions, physical activity, and your own personal risk factors combine to cause your core temperature to rise in a manner where your body begins to struggle to compensate or regulate.

Know Before You Mow - Dangerous Plants
Episode #102 | Published July 17, 2023

It’s the season for property maintenance. Workers behind mowers or with a string trimmer in hand are common sights across the nation. Training for staff assigned these jobs is usually weighted toward equipment operation and safety. However, knowing “what” you are “mowing” can be just as important.