Safety Net Blog
MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.
Keeping Temporary Workers Safe: Whose Responsibility is it Anyway?
The safety of temporary workers is the joint responsibility of the host employer and the staffing agency that places the worker. Both entities should take steps to complete a risk assessment for the job function and location.
Addressing Slips-and-Falls from the Ground Up
Building a better slip-and-fall prevention program requires you to think SAFE – Surface, Awareness, Footwear, and Environment. Look from the ground up at everything from surfaces to footwear to the mental state of the worker.
What’s Scarier than Halloween? Poorly Executed Safety Planning!
Halloween is a fun time for fright, but not if you’re a safety director with no plan for your organization. Use the horror of the holiday to make sure your company is doing its best to minimize risk and maximize safety.
Training the Industrial Athlete
Employers should think of their employees as athletes and implement training plans that address the physical demands of the job. Designing stretching, strengthening, conditioning and hydration programs can decrease injuries and lead to a healthier wo...
Weathering Storm Cleanup Safety
Planning for what happens after a storm should be part of any business emergency preparedness plan, before a weather incident occurs.
Spelling Out Fall Protection Beyond the A-B-Cs
Fall protection during work from heights is generally governed by the basics of anchoring, body harnesses, and connectors. But to make a comprehensive assessment, safety directors must go beyond those simple techniques and look at a variety of consid...
Ladder Safety Part 2: Does your Ladder Safety Training Get High Marks?
Workplace ladder usage, regardless of industry, is a high-risk task that should be part of any new or existing employee training plan. Training should include ladder selection, inspection, hazard identification, fall protection measures, and safe wor...
Ladder Safety Part 1: Three Points of Contact
Safe work on ladders requires three points of contact and requires employees to face the ladder, use at least one hand to keep a “firm grasp” on the ladder, and ensure they are not carrying objects or loads that could cause loss of balance or grip.
Don't Let Elevators Bring You Down
Misleveled elevator floors, insufficient maintenance program, and unsafe employee behaviors can lead to significant workplace trip or fall injuries. A comprehensive program is necessary to control hazards.
Roof Rules Depend on Slope, Distance, and Frequency
Fall protection requirements for employees performing maintenance on low-sloped roofs depend on factors that include whether the work is deemed “temporary and infrequent,” and the distance from the edge.
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