Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

Seven Key Slicer Errors to Avoid

I never realized just how dangerous a meat slicer could be; but 20 years later I can still see the scar. According to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industry, between 2000 and 2004 more than 700 workers were injured while using a meat ...

Hospitality  •  April 11, 2012

Revised Hazard Communication Standard Reaches Final Rule Stage

On Monday, March 26, 2012, OSHA published the Final Rule on the revised Hazard Communication Standard to align with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). In an August 2011 blog the rationale behind the ali...

General, OSHA  •  April 02, 2012

Traffic Work Zone Safety

With the sudden appearance of warm spring weather we are already seeing another sign of the season: road repair, street and parking lot sweeping, and highway cleanup crews. Transportation incidents are the leading cause of death in the workplace, s...

Construction  •  March 22, 2012

OSHA Recordkeeping: When Is Treatment First Aid?

Have you ever wondered if an injury is recordable on your OSHA 300 log?

General, OSHA  •  March 16, 2012

Dealing With Dual Monitors

Dual computer monitor use is becoming more common in today’s office environment. As this technology increases our workload, ergonomic setup becomes even more important.

General, Office Ergonomics  •  March 08, 2012

Know About the "No Zone"

Sharing the roads with large trucks is a real safety concern for those driving passenger cars. But one important point to remember is that a large tractor trailer or snow plow creates “blind spots” that limit the truck driver’s ability to see all ar...

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  March 02, 2012

MEMIC Center for Workplace Safety

Some of you may know that MEMIC has a partnership with Maine's Community Colleges called the MEMIC Center for Workplace Safety. Part of the Center's mission is to offer safety workshops to policyholders and non-policyholders.

General, Safety Programs  •  February 28, 2012

Safety Light Curtains—Worker Safety Around Dangerous Machines

Safety light curtains are a possible solution for worker protection where risks cannot be eliminated by machinery design or mechanical guards. When a beam of light is broken, the machine or equipment stops, or other actions occur that prevent worker ...

Manufacturing, Construction  •  February 23, 2012

Forklift Battery Charging

John DeRoia runs through proper service and maintenance of battery powered lifts.

Manufacturing, Construction  •  February 15, 2012

Pocket and Utility Knife Safety

As the emergency room physician sighed he said, “You’re lucky, you didn’t cut nerves or tendons.” I was sitting on the emergency department stretcher getting ready for stitches in my hand.

General  •  February 09, 2012

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