Seeing Stars on Ice

With all 50 states reporting temperatures below freezing on Tuesday, November 18th, ‘tis the season to pay special attention to the condition of outdoor surfaces underfoot.  Indeed, it seems that Old Man Winter has descended upon us suddenly and with a vengeance, coming down fast on the Polar Vortex Express.

Along with the monumental snowfall in Upstate New York, there’s black ice on cold pavement, patches of ice in surface depressions, and wet grass on frosty mornings for most of us to contend with in making our way out the door and off to work.

As we enter into the holiday season, here are a few tips on avoiding slips and falls so you can enjoy festivities with family and friends without sporting crutches or a cast.

  • Bag the formal footwear for carry indoors and choose the shoes or boots with traction outsoles to wear into work and when heading home.
  • Park in locations away from sheets of glare ice and look for spots with scattered salt or sand.
  • When stepping out of the vehicle, test the ground surface with the left foot for a firm foothold before shifting body weight out of the driver’s seat.
  • Avoid loading up with the morning beverage, laptop case, lunch bag, smart phone, and other baggage in hand.  This kind of bundling can lead to a disastrous fall when off balance.
  • Adjust your stride with smaller steps and a slight forward lean of the body.

For more information on slip, trip, and fall prevention, use the search field at the top of the page with key words “slip, trip, fall.”

For skating enthusiasts and for that matter everyone else, for the sake of sure footedness, remember it’s “Stars on Ice” not “Seeing Stars on Ice.”

Seeing stars on ice.