Excellence in Safety Efforts: Why Size Doesn't Matter

I received an e-mail from an astute reader about National Underwriter’s recent recognition of three large companies for their loss control and injury management excellence.

One of the points he made was that no matter the size of the company, the benefit of an injury-free workforce is exactly the same. The issues associated with on-the-job accidents such as medical costs and lost work time affect large and small operations in the same manner.

Now that's not to say that a mega-company with 150,000 people on the payroll won’t have it a little easier replacing somebody than a 15 person healthcare facility, but it's still an expense and creates a ripple effect in the workforce.

Annually, my company, MEMIC, recognizes top policyholders who strive for workers’ comp excellence. Nominations are made in the areas of workplace safety and claims management. A lot of these companies are not that large. But the true beneficiary—the workers—are the winners no matter how many are employed.