Winter Slip Trip & Fall PSA

A brief reminder to be extra careful this winter, and winters to come, courtesy of the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast


At MEMIC we consider the problem of slips and falls through the lens of the acronym SAFE;


On the podcast today, I will tackle two aspects of the SAFE acronym – Surface and Footwear,  how they interact with each other, and cause the right relationship between one’s center of mass and base of support to fall apart (pardon the pun).  

Seasonal Safety Announcement

MEMIC and its partners are dedicated to preventing slip, trip, and fall injuries during the slippery winter months. When snow and ice become a part of life for millions of Americans, proper footwear is essential to health and overall safety. It is our goal every winter to educate, inform, and spread awareness about winter safety and preparedness.

Please visit our Winter Safety page for more resources

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Safety Experts Podcast by MEMIC