OSHA’s Recordkeeping Changes for 2024: Taking it Beyond Compliance

OSHA Reporting and Record Keeping
Date:1/31 - 1/31/2024
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM EST
Type: Webinar
Location: Webex

OSHA’s Recordkeeping Standard Part 1904 requires many employers to record workplace illnesses and injuries and to report certain types of serious incidents in a timely manner. Many employers may not be aware that there are significant changes coming in early 2024 for OSHA recordkeeping. 

This webinar will review some of the basics of OSHA recordkeeping and reporting and will also outline the newly implemented changes going into effect on January 2, 2024. Join us to hear more about these changes as well as what you can do to go beyond compliance.

Topics to be covered in this presentation will include:

  1. Injury and illness reporting/recording
  2. The difference between “Medical Treatment” and “First Aid”
  3. New Employer injury and illness statistic reporting – in effect January 2, 2024
  4. OSHA 301 Injury & Illness Incident Reporting form – The importance of investigation and root cause determination
  5. Incident Rate Calculation and comparison to similar establishments