Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

Measuring Work Safety

Securing Success: The Vital Role of Safety Performance Metrics in Workplace Well-being

This MEMIC blog emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety performance measurement to maintain a proactive safety culture and improve workplace well-being. The analysis of injury and incident rates, leading indicators, safety audits and inspect...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, Inspection, Leadership and Management, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  July 24, 2024
Brain puzzle pieces illustration

Celebrating a Safe and Neurodiverse Workforce

In this edition of the MEMIC Safety Net Blog, the focus is on promoting workplace safety and inclusivity for neurodiverse individuals. It highlights the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals with conditions like autism, dyslexia, and ADHD,...

General, Safety Programs, Emergency Preparedness, Leadership and Management, Hiring Practices  •  March 20, 2024
Assorted PPE on a wooden table

The Overall Benchmark for Safety Performance: Keeping People Safe

OSHA has made significant strides in workplace safety since 1970, reducing worker deaths per day from 38 to 15. It's crucial to go beyond compliance, adapting safety measures to changing hazards and regulations. Compliance alone may not suffice, with...

General, Manufacturing, Ergonomics, Inspection, Leadership and Management, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  March 07, 2024
OSHA website homepage

OSHA Recordkeeping: Timing is Everything (Part 3 of 3)

In this final installment of the “who, how, and what” of OSHA recordkeeping, we address the “when and how”. Timely recordkeeping is crucial, with OSHA 300 log entries required within seven days of a recordable incident. For accurate details, consult ...

General, OSHA, Leadership and Management  •  January 24, 2024
OSHA Records and Recordkeeping

New Year, New OSHA Log (Part 2 of 3)

In Part 2 of the blog series, "OSHA Recordkeeping: New Year, New OSHA Log," the focus shifts to the "what" questions surrounding the OSHA 300 Log. Employers are guided through the complexities of recording work-related injuries/illnesses, including.....

General, OSHA, Leadership and Management  •  January 10, 2024
OSHA Recordkeeping Clipboard

OSHA Recordkeeping: Who, How, What, When and Why? Oh My! (Part 1 of 3)

In this blog series, employers are guided through OSHA injury recordkeeping by adopting a reporter’s mindset, addressing fundamental questions of who, how, what, when and why. Part one explores “who” must keep records and “how.” It delves into OSHA r...

General, OSHA, Leadership and Management  •  January 03, 2024
Workplace Safety Puzzle Pieces

4 Pieces to the Risk Assessment Puzzle

For Terry Dussault, crafting a clear safety picture from disparate parts is part personal, part technological.

General, Safety Programs, Leadership and Management  •  July 26, 2023
Women smiling and talking in office setting

Want to Enhance your Leadership? Work on your MBWA!

“Management by walking around” isn’t some fad management style; it’s a decades-old, mostly cost-free leadership technique that’s been proven to engage workers and to help them become active stakeholders in your safety initiatives.

General, Leadership and Management  •  April 12, 2023
Immaculate commercial kitchen

Everything in Its Right Place

Workplace safety can be enhanced in any work environment with good housekeeping habits such as cleaning up spills, keeping aisles and exits clear, replacing worn, ripped, or damaged floors, eliminating snow, oil, or grease from floors...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Transportation, Inspection, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  March 15, 2023
Factory workers having a daily safety meeting

Keeping Up with Safety Meetings Keeps Employees Happy

Although disrupted by the pandemic, holding regular safety committee meetings are an integral part of the safety culture at successful companies not only for the safety improvements, but also to promote employee engagement and satisfaction...

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  February 16, 2023

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