Safety Net Blog

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Robot holding car steering wheel

Does Automotive Safety Technology Really Make Us Safer?

Collision Avoidance Technology (CAT) systems are more common and more capable than just a few years ago.

General, Driving Safety  •  February 26, 2019
Ice all over car windshield

Don't Give Snow and Ice a Free Ride!

Anywhere there's snow you'll see a person driving down the road with their vehicle still covered in snow or windows still frosted over.

Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety  •  December 12, 2018
kids walking in the crosswalk

Pedestrian Safety Part II – Better Engineering Can Save Lives

Pedestrian deaths have increased 46 percent since reaching their lowest point in 2009. Distracted driving is a significant problem, but so is distracted walking.

Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety, Safety Programs  •  November 15, 2018
Pedestrian walking in traffic

Pedestrian Safety - Are You a Jaywalker?

Pedestrian deaths have increased 46 percent since reaching their lowest point in 2009. Distracted driving is a significant problem, but so is distracted walking.

Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety, Safety Programs  •  November 07, 2018
Big rig

Sharing the Road with the Big Rigs

As we all know, a huge segment of our economy is dependent upon goods delivered by tractor trailer. Sharing the road with the big rigs is a fact of life and it’s vital that we do it safely.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  October 10, 2018
Automobile mirror adjustment to eliminate blind spots

Automobile Mirror Adjustments to Eliminate Blind Spots

Americans love their automobiles, and nothing is more satisfying on a pleasant day than to take a leisurely drive in the country. Driving is also a serious hazard, one many of us face daily, whether driving for work or pleasure.

Transportation, General, Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety  •  August 21, 2018
Speeding car

Speed Limits Really are for Everyone

Nearly every adult in this country drives a car on a regular basis. Yes, many people commute via public transportation, ride a bike, or walk to work; but even many of those people drive a car at least occasionally.

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  July 17, 2018
Man with hand truck

One Man and a Hand Truck

Delivery drivers face a number of hazards in their daily routine. As road warriors, they contend with bumper to bumper traffic, inclement road conditions, and all too frequently - the distracted driver.

Transportation, Retail, General, Driving Safety, Manual Material Handling  •  June 27, 2018
driver texting while driving

Death by Text...or Other Distraction

As we approach the Memorial Day weekend, a huge percentage of people will be travelling across the country to visit family and friends. More traffic means more risk, so share this with the people you want to see “arrive alive.”

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  May 22, 2018
Kids in classroom raising hand

Get Schooled on Safety

Schools are arguably the most important workplaces to ensure health and safety and can be the most challenging. Schools need to track, prevent, and mitigate a wide range of incidents from cyberbullying to bomb threats.

Education, Slips, Trips & Falls, Office Ergonomics, Driving Safety, Outdoor Safety, Claims Management  •  February 01, 2018

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