Safety Net Blog

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Fall Driving Hazards

Autumn is one of the prettiest times of year. The trees are changing colors creating a spectacular view. Autumn also presents a set of challenges when driving.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  October 11, 2012

Back to School Safety 2012

Although it seems we just posted a blog concerning July Fourth holiday safety, the end of summer and the beginning of the school year will soon be upon us. The roads, already congested by construction, will soon be filled with school buses, students...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  August 16, 2012

Transportation Leads the Way

In 2010, 4690 U.S. workers died while on the job. Although this represents a 3% increase from 2009, both years continue an overall downward trend in workplace deaths.

General, Transportation, Leadership and Management, Driving Safety  •  August 08, 2012

Are Your Tires as Safe as You Think?

When was the last time you took a close look at your tires? The tires are the only contact the vehicle has with the road.

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  May 30, 2012

Know About the "No Zone"

Sharing the roads with large trucks is a real safety concern for those driving passenger cars. But one important point to remember is that a large tractor trailer or snow plow creates “blind spots” that limit the truck driver’s ability to see all ar...

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  March 02, 2012

Handheld Cell Phones Banned from Commercial Vehicles

As of January 3, 2012, the use of handheld cellular phones by most commercial vehicle operators is illegal under federal law. The ban applies to interstate carriers including large trucks and busses.

Transportation, General, Driving Safety  •  January 17, 2012

Be Ready for Winter Driving

Since today is the first official day of winter it is time to think about winter driving challenges and the condition of our vehicles.

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  December 22, 2011

Hang up and Drive

On Tuesday December 13, 2011, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended a nationwide ban on all portable electronic devices (PED’s) for all motorists. The NTSB came to its recommendation after investigating a multi-vehicle crash in Gray S...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  December 16, 2011

Transportation Resources

It seems that folks are always asking questions about federal law concerning their truck, van, pickup, dump truck, or tractor trailer. There is a trailer load of regulations and guidelines from DOT, but also from OSHA, FMCSA, NHTSA, NTSB, and probabl...

Transportation, Driving Safety  •  May 24, 2011

Jack Frost’s Revenge on the Road

It's often said that revenge is a dish best served cold. As the steady advance of spring brings us more warm days, Jack Frost has his revenge in the cold nights, bringing out the best in our northeastern roads. Pot holes seemingly big enough to swa...

General, Transportation, Driving Safety  •  March 29, 2011

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