Safety Net Blog

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Stay SAFE From the Winter Slip & Fall

It lurks around many a corner, on stairs, down drives, and walkways. It does not discriminate, taking down men and women of all ages and occupations. And it doesn’t care about an individual’s physical ability. Feeding on snow and ice, its tendrils...

General, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  February 18, 2011

Don’t Hit the Roof for Snow Removal

Near-record snow fall this year—coupled with sustained temperatures below freezing—has resulted in significant snow accumulations in much of the US. A relentless chore, and annoyance, for everyone responsible for keeping driveways, roads and walkways...

General, Outdoor Safety  •  February 10, 2011

More Shoveling? Say It Ain’t Snow!

Shoveling snow can be a grueling activity, but MEMIC's Allan Brown is here with a few tips to make it less of a pain.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  February 07, 2011

Hypothermia: When "Cold and Wet" Is Dangerous

On a hot, summer day, “cold and wet” provides relief and refreshment no matter how it’s delivered. But, during the winter months, “cold and wet” can be a life-threatening combination.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  January 24, 2011

Drink to Your Health (and Safety)!

Water seems so ordinary that we may forget how vital it is. Between 40% and 60% of our body’s mass is made up of water, and nearly every major function of the body requires it.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  July 22, 2010

Beat the Heat

It's so hot even the lobsters are buying fans here in Maine. Temperatures everywhere in the east are soaring and relief isn't in sight for the week.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  July 06, 2010

Cold Work Environments—How the Body Reacts

As a cold snap hit much of the country this week, it’s time to remember the risks that workers who brave outdoor conditions face each winter. Of course, it should be said that while outdoor conditions immediately come to mind when we think of working...

General, Outdoor Safety  •  January 06, 2010

Boating Safety Statistics

As the unofficial end of summer approaches, Labor Day weekend will mean that our waterways will be congested with boaters for what may be the last time this summer. While it’s not related to many workplaces, we thought it was important to remind us ...

General, Transportation, Outdoor Safety  •  September 03, 2009

Spring Is Here—and So Are the Ticks!

The snow is slowly beginning to recede around my homestead, which is an inevitable sign of spring. I know there are a lot of folks in the audience with much greener surroundings and maybe even having mowed the lawn once or twice—boy, do I envy you.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  April 16, 2009

Winter Slip/Fall Injuries—Are Your Employees Protected?

The winter months are more than just creeping up on us—as of this weekend, they’re here. Old Man Winter will once again blow his arctic breath, creating beauty beyond words and hazards unseen.

General, Outdoor Safety, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  December 19, 2008

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