Safety Net Blog

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Worker writing on clipboard

Catch Someone Doing Something Right

Safety incentive programs have been around for a long time. Employers often seek solutions for their workplace injury rates and decide that employee incentives are a good idea. On the surface it can make sense.

General, OSHA, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  May 19, 2021
Construction worker wearing safety harness

Falling Down on the Job

Last week OSHA promoted a National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction. This makes sense as falls from height are the leading cause of fatalities in the construction trades.

Construction, General, OSHA, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  May 12, 2021
OSHA Safety Binder

Most Frequently Cited OSHA Standards in Fiscal Year 2020 - A Case of History Repeating Itself?

OSHA publishes the Most Frequently Cited Standards each year to inform the public of the most violated standards from the previous fiscal year. This data shows the most frequently cited standards across all industries.

Construction, General, Manufacturing, Healthcare, OSHA  •  April 28, 2021
Old house with worn out paint

This Old House Needs Painting

From the look of its faded façade, this weather-beaten old house could certainly stand a fresh coat of paint. But if the residential dwelling was built before 1978, there’s a good chance the home harbors an unwanted “occupant” in the form of lead-bas...

Construction, General, OSHA  •  March 17, 2021
Purple abstract hexagonal wave

The Science of Safety in the 21st Century

2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970. The law was intended to ensure “so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safety and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human r...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA  •  February 17, 2021
Technician Installing Carbon Monoxide Detector

The "Ups and Downs" of Vapor Density

The classic definition of vapor density is “the mass of a certain volume of a particular gas or vapor divided by the mass of the same volume of hydrogen” at the same temperature and pressure.

General, OSHA  •  January 27, 2021
Shipping containers at loading dock

Powered Industrial Trucks and PIT Certification

Does your company use vehicles to move freight trailers in or around your yard, warehouse, or shipping facility? These vehicles may be commonly referred to as a terminal tractor, yard truck, yard jockey, yard spotter, mule, and yard goat.

Construction, Logging, Manufacturing, Transportation, Driving Safety, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  January 20, 2021
OSHA forms in a binder.

The OSHA Reporting Forms - 300 300A and 301 - What Do We Do with These Things Anyway?

The process of understanding and completing OSHA’s work-related injuries and illness forms 300, 300A, and 301 can confuse even the most seasoned safety professional.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA  •  January 13, 2021
Report of Work Injury Form

Injury Reporting Versus Injury Recording (Part 2 of 2)

To further clarify an employer’s responsibilities, Part 2 of this series examines definitions and scenarios outlined within the OSHA recordkeeping standards.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA, Claims Management, Safety Programs, Return-to-Work  •  December 16, 2020
Boots equipped with traction enhancers.

Target Mapping to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls (STFs)

In 2018, out of the 900,380 nonfatal work injuries resulting in days away from work, 27% were related to slips, trips, and falls

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  December 08, 2020

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