Work Safer in 2020 with the Safety Experts Podcast by MEMIC

Now that another year is well underway it’s time to act on your New Year’s resolutions. Are you planning to eat healthier, exercise more, or learn how to play an instrument? How about adding safety to your resolution list? Start 2020 by focusing on something that can affect all aspects of your life, on and off the job.
However, not so fast! According to Inc., of the 60% of people who make New Year’s resolutions, only about 8% are successful in achieving them. Why do people fail? Sometimes the resolution is too ambitious, life gets in the way, or we may lose focus. That’s where MEMIC can help!
One way you can keep your safety focus, get new ideas, and be successful in achieving your safety goals is to tune in to MEMIC’s Safety Experts podcast. We highlight safety topics through interviews with people who understand how safety can have a positive influence in this journey we call life.
Here are some highlights from episodes that have already dropped:
Episode 4: Living with Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide with Dr. Heather McKay
- “Diagnosing dementia today is a matter of ruling other things out. There are vitamin deficiencies. There are changes in your hormone levels as you age. There are changes in neurotransmitters in your brain that can just be boosted again with relatively easy treatments to give that person their full function and capability back.” – Heather McKay
Episode 5: Putting People at the Center of Work: Industrial Ergonomics with Allan Brown
- “Good ergonomics is fitting the work to the worker, not the other way around. Often you sit down at the desk, you sit down in a manufacturing plant, you sit in a car. If you don't adjust anything, then you the worker has to adapt to the machine or the tool and this often creates awkward postures or reaches. With good ergonomics, that tool should be fit to you.In your car you adjust the seat, you adjust the mirror, you prepare yourself to drive so that you can safely see and reach the controls in a comfortable position.” – Allan Brown
Episode 7: Winter Driving Safety with Randy Klatt
- “Eliminate the hazard.You can best control your car if it’s in the garage, but if that’s not a possibility wait an hour or two and travel once the snow has been cleared.Then slow down and increase following distance.Maneuvering, cornering, turning, accelerating and stopping are all affected by winter road conditions.Give yourself more space and time in which to react.”
If you’re looking for more insight on these topics or other great safety content , the Safety Expert’s podcast can be found wherever you get your podcasts. Or click here to subscribe to the MEMIC Safety Expert’s Podcast website.