Winter Snowpack Favors Tick Population

If the above-average snowfall and record-setting December into January cold snap northerners endured this past winter wasn’t enough of a slap in the face, now comes the news that the deep snowpack insulated the tick population favoring their survival.
That’s enough to tick anyone off, especially now that they’re active again. Over the years, MEMIC has posted several Safety Net Blog articles on the health concern associated with the blood-suckin’ parasitic little tick.
Here are some recommendations for preventing tick-born illness excerpted from Peter Koch’s Time for a Tick Check blog:
- Wear lighter colored clothing
- Wear long pants and tuck your pants into your socks
- Wash and dry clothing—ticks can’t survive an hour in a hot dryer
- Carefully inspect the body and remove any attached ticks
- Carefully inspect your pets and remove ticks
- Use repellants (see the State of CT publication on Tick Bite Prevention for a list of effective repellants)
It’s time for preventative action, now that the weather is more conducive to tackling spring clean-up projects and enjoying outdoor activities. Before heading out the door for outside work or play, take the time to be more informed by reading these safety blogs:
Bug Sprays Are Not All the Same
Spring Is Here-and So Are the Ticks!
Lyme Disease on the Rise
Tick Tock, it's Time for a Tick Check