Seven Steps for a Safer Workplace

Do you have long standing responsibility for an organization’s safety program, or have you recently taken over the safety effort? You may be asking what should be done or “Am I working in the right direction?”
These are the timeless questions everyone faces when trying to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses. Most of us are not specifically educated in safety management. Quite often safety is added to our list of other responsibilities.
There are organizations that perform pretty well with regards to safety programs. What are they doing to achieve a high level of safety performance? Is there a secret? Well, there is no secret; however, most successful organizations that have a high level of safety performance engage in common activities and practices. These common elements or steps have proven effective over time.
MEMIC has refined what these successful organizations do and incorporated them into the Seven Steps for a Safer Workplace. MEMIC Safety Management Consultants often work with policyholders who recognize they need to address high losses, improve their safety programs, and enhance corporate cultures. Safety is a manageable part of any organization and significant progress can be made using the fundamentals contained in these seven steps. If you want to evaluate your safety program and begin to improve overall safety culture reviewing the Seven Steps for a Safer Workplace is for you.
The Seven Steps for a Safer Workplace include:
- Draft a company safety policy that formally states your position regarding workplace safety.
- Define several ways to effectively involve employees in the company’s safety program.
- Develop a hazard prevention plan.
- Identify specific safety training needs within your organization.
- Develop an inspection checklist for your business.
- Manage a record-keeping system for safety.
- Develop and implement an injury management program.
MEMIC offers more detailed explanations and resources for each of the Seven Steps in MEMIC’s Safety Director. In addition, MEMIC policyholders are welcome to attend our free Seven Steps for a Safer Workplace Webinar on February 27, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (EST). Each of the steps will be covered in detail so you will learn a truly effective approach to injury prevention.
Register now for "Let's Get Back to the Basics: 7 Steps to a Safer Workplace" webinar