Preventing Workplace Poisoning: Understanding Hazards and Promoting Safety

Workplace exposure to harmful substances is one of the top causes of fatalities, It is estimated that chemical exposures alone accounts for approximately 50,000 deaths and 190,000 illnesses annually in US industries.
The third week of March marks National Poison Prevention Week, raising awareness about the dangers of toxic substances and promoting lifesaving solutions for common poisoning risks.
Accidental poisoning at work is a serious concern across all industries. Such calamities are preventable with proper safety measures. Workers handling hazardous materials face daily risks, making chemical hazard prevention and protective equipment essential.
Identifying and understanding the hazards is the first step.
Primary Routes of Exposure:
- Inhalation: Breathing in hazardous vapors, dust, fibers, or fumes can cause a range of health effects, from mild symptoms like headaches, nausea, and respiratory irritation to severe, potentially fatal conditions.
- Skin and Eye Contact: Direct exposure can irritate or burn tissues, create allergic reactions, and potentially cause serious injuries or chronic health issues. Many poisons can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream, leading to critical complications such as organ damage.
- Ingestion: Poisoning can occur if substances contaminate food or hands and are accidentally swallowed.
Hazardous Substances Linked to Occupational Poisoning:
- Heavy Metals: Lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium - found in battery manufacturing, electroplating, and ore processing.
- Gases and Vapors: Carbon monoxide, ammonia, chlorines, and hydrogen sulfide are among the top 5 causing fatalities - often present in mining, construction, hazmat clean-up operations, automotive and general cleaning industries.
- Organic Solvents: Benzene, methanol, and formaldehyde - used in metal cleaning, paint production, and dry cleaning.
- Pesticides: Parathion, lead arsenate, and other chemicals - found in agriculture and pesticide manufacturing.
The effects of poisoning vary based on exposure type, duration, and dosage. Acute symptoms include headaches, nausea, breathing difficulties, rashes, and burns, while chronic exposure can lead to fertility issues, birth defects, cancer, and other severe health problems. For some hazardous substances, even small amounts can result in serious health effects.
Maintaining a safe environment requires proactive measures and ongoing education about handling potentially harmful substances. Here’s how you can ensure your workplace and your home stay poison-free:
OSHA requires workers to have access to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all hazardous materials, proper labelling of primary and secondary containers, and comprehensive worker training on chemical hazards and safety measures. Additional measures may include improving ventilation, restricting access to areas where materials are used, and identifying and using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Other Considerations:
- Avoid chemical mixing.
- Do not share prescription medications.
- Store hazardous items in locked cabinets.
- Keep poisons in original packaging and away from other substances. Never transfer non-food substances into food containers.
- Use sprays safely, directing them away from people and pets to minimize risks of inhalation or contact with skin.
- Recognize common toxic substances like cleaning agents, laundry detergent, and windshield wiper fluid and wear recommended protective gear when handling them.
Workplace Toxins can inadvertently be brought home, putting family members at risk. To avoid such contamination:
- Store street clothes away from protective items worn while working with poisonous substances. Dust or other particles can cling to clothing.
- Decontaminate before leaving work including skin, hair, or other exposed areas.
- Keep contaminated items such as tools, scraps, and packing materials in proper containment areas or placed in the proper containers for cleaning or disposal after use.
Don’t forget to plan first aid and emergency response. Call 911 if the individual is unconscious or has breathing difficulties and the Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222) for less urgent cases. For inhaled toxins, move to fresh air if possible. Have accessible eyewash and decontamination showers available. Check SDS instructions for the best immediate response for first aid, containment, and clean up.
Occupational poisonings, though serious, are preventable with proactive measures. By fostering a culture of safety and vigilance, we can minimize risks and protect workers and their families from accidental poisoning.
Additional Resources:
- OSHA – Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances
- Texas Poison Center Network
- Eliminating Take-Home Exposures
- Prevention Tips | Poison Help
- Poison Control | Call Poison Help Centers Now 1-800-222-1222