Introducing MEMIC's New Online HR Tool

MEMIC has adopted the highly regarded human resource information tool from Business and Legal Reports (BLR) to provide online advice for HR professionals. This special product is free to MEMIC customers and accessible through MEMIC’s Safety Director.

This service provides thousands of time-saving items, including compliance assistance, guidance documents, model policies, procedures, job descriptions and training programs. Advice on state-specific and federal regulatory issues is also available. Access to this resource would cost hundreds of dollars annually, but is available at no additional cost to MEMIC policyholders.

If you are new to MEMIC's Safety Director, please take a moment to create a personalized profile. Once you gain access, you will find both the BLR Safety and BLR HR links on the home page of the Safety Director.

If you would like more information, please contact Christine Collomy at 1-800-660-1306 or via e-mail a