Fall is in the Air

As the weather starts to moderate and the leaves start to turn, we should all be thinking of what fall means for safety preparedness. Even in the southern part of the country, the days are getting shorter so there are still safety issues that this time of year brings.
The National Safety Council has some good tips regarding flu shots, Halloween safety precautions, and driving safely as the days become shorter.
Naturally school is back in session, so school busses are part of the morning commute traffic. Give them plenty of space and anticipate frequent stops. As the morning sunrise is shining in your face, be aware of glare and limited visibility of those kids and all pedestrians. Saving a few minutes on your drive by speeding around a bus or through a school zone just isn’t worth the risk.
Rut season is just around the corner, so take a moment to review John DeRoia’s post, “Oh Deer, It’s the Rut Season Again!” Don’t be one of more than a million motorists colliding with a deer this year. Deer are more active this time of year so be aware especially from dusk to dawn.
Slip, trip, and fall season is on its way as well. Cold and frosty mornings will soon be the norm, so be cautious and think about footing, footwear, and surface condition as you head out in the morning. Winter weather, dare I say, will happen very soon for a large portion of the country and slipping on ice and snow will be a real hazard. Take a look at Pete Koch’s multi-part Safety Net series on this topic- Slip and Fall Prevention- The S.A.F.E. Way. Let’s make this a safer winter by staying upright!
Keep safety in mind as we close up the garden, clean up the leaves, or stack the firewood for the winter. Keep your tools in good working order, especially the chain saw, and tune-up the snow blower. October is Protect Your Hearing Month and Eye Injury Prevention Month so wear hearing protection when using any loud tool such as leaf blowers and always wear eye protection when using any power tool.
Lastly consider how prepared you are for serious storms and the resulting power outages. Portable generators are fantastic, but every year people succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning from such tools. For more on this, and other electrical safety tips check out fall safety tips from The Electrical Safety Foundation International.
Fall is a great time of year. Beautiful weather and the upcoming holidays mean great times for all of us and our families. Make sure that a nasty injury doesn’t spoil all of this joy. Keep safety at the forefront and enjoy a wonderful fall season.
By Randy Klatt