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Blog Crystalline Silica: Not Just Fun in the Sand

Although many of us like to spend our summers with our feet in the sand, we should all remember that one of the major components of sand can be a major health hazard for those that are exposed to it. Crystalline silica is the second most common mine...

Blog It's Road Construction Season Once Again

While many areas of the country experience road construction year-round, summer generally means an uptick in highway projects. Summer also brings an increase in traffic as people head out on vacations. This is especially true this year with the low...

Blog Keeping Teens Safe on the Job

Many states have laws allowing teens as young as 14 years old to work in the hospitality industry in seasonal workplaces like movie theaters, amusement parks, bowling alleys, and some parts of hotels and bakeries. These jobs can teach great work and...

Blog Ladder Safety

Falls from ladders are a leading cause of workplace fatalities in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control statistics published in 2014, 43% of fatal falls in the last decade involved ladders. Additionally, ladder use contrib...

Blog Let Posture Be Your Guide

I took up a new sport, speed skating. This is the short-track version where you wear long-bladed skates to speed around a hockey rink. Think Apollo Ono and the Winter Olympics. I am not an elite athlete nor do I like dangerous activities, but some...

Blog Caregivers: First Do No Harm to Yourselves

Caregivers often put the needs of others before their own regardless of what exposures they may face while doing their nurturing tasks. One of the most important tips to give both informal and professional caregivers is to ensure that THEIR SAFETY CO...

Blog National CPR and AED Awareness Week

Each year, June 1-7 is designated National CPR and AED Awareness Week. This is a collaborative effort between the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the National Safety Council. This is an important campaign for public safety, work...

Blog OSHA Delays Online Injury Reporting Rule

On May 17, OSHA announced that employers will not have to electronically file injury and illness information by July 1, as the rule had stated. As of the date of this announcement, OSHA still had not opened the online portal for employers to file the...

Blog Risk Compensation and the Peltzman Effect

While watching television several months ago I came across an author promoting his book. As a safety person, I immediately took note as he was directly speaking about safety. The author was Greg Ip, and the title of the book was “FOOLPROOF: ...

Blog Bunk Beds De-Bunked!

Housekeepers unite! It’s time we de-bunked. While bunk beds are common in many segments of the hospitality industry and serve to increase the occupancy of a room, they can be a real pain in a housekeeper’s day. This becomes even more imp...