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Machine Guarding and Lockout/Tagout: Creating a Culture Surrounding Machine Safety - Workshop

.c-split-page__header__column-two { display:none; } .c-button--primary { width:auto; } In 2021, improper Machine Guarding and ignored Lockout/Tagout procedures took the lives of 93 employees and injured thousands more, accor...


We'll connect you with the best medical treatment and rehabilitation services available and help you understand the workers' compensation system.

Company Overview

Our roots are in Maine and our reach has grown to 46 states. Learn about our distinctive past, financials, coverage and more.

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Blog Are Your Guards in Place? Quick Tips for Improving Machine Guarding Safety

The injured employee was already in the ambulance. As I handed the EMT the Styrofoam cup of ice that contained the severed finger, I had an oppressive feeling of responsibility and knew that this should not have happened. (Attend the MEMIC Webinar li...

Blog Make Your Work and World a Safer Place with the Safety Experts Podcast

We are excited to announce that on Monday, November 11th we will be launching a new safety resource—the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast! We will go even more in-depth on the topics we cover in this blog, and since it is a podcast you can listen to...

Claim Benefit Payments

MEMIC has partnered with One Inc — the leading digital payments network for the insurance industry — to process and disburse payments to injured workers via the ClaimsPay® platform. With ClaimsPay®, you can get your benefit payments the same day your...

News MEMIC Streamlines Payments to Injured Workers, Service Partners With Rollout of ClaimsPay® Electronic Payment System

(Portland, ME) – The MEMIC Group today began issuing payments to injured workers and service partners electronically via a new partnership with One Inc.  MEMIC’s adoption of One Inc’s ClaimsPay® platform allows thousands of...