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Blog Workplace Violence

Although it's been around for quite some time, violence in the workplace seems to be appearing more often in the news. You've probably come across a local article that details an employee being assaulted or sometimes even killed. Then there are the ...

Blog You Know How to Make an Entrance, What About an EXIT? -Part I

It is not enough to ensure the safety of your employees during normal work activities. When an evacuation is necessary, you will need responsible, trained individuals who can supervise and coordinate activities to ensure a safe and successful evacuat...

Blog What Are Your Exit Signs Made Of? -Part II

This is Part II in a series of posts regarding emergency evacuations.  Each exit, or doorway leading outside, must be marked with a clearly visible, distinctive sign that reads EXIT. The exit signs must have distinctive colors so that they...

Blog Are Your Workers Safe Once Outside Your Building? -Part III

This is Part III in a series of posts regarding emergency evacuations.  Exit discharges must lead directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside. These exit discharge areas must be la...

Blog Do You Have a Written Emergency Action Plan? -Part IV

This post series regarding Emergency Evacuation continues with our fourth and final issue. Remember that your written Emergency Action Plan must include the following (at a minimum): A method for reporting fires and other emergencies; An e...

Blog Do You Need Assistance Developing a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy?

Workplace violence can take place in many forms in the workplace, and when it does, it affects us all.  Before an incident occurs, it is critical that your staff be prepared to recognize and respond to a situation. A workplace violence incident...

Blog When Anger Erupts (Violence in the Workplace)

Any act in which one person seeks to hurt or intimidate another through the use of physical contact, verbal harassment, or manipulation, can be defined as workplace violence and is a risk common to all employers. Violence in any form is always offen...

Blog Active Shooter Events Facts and Actions

Active shooter events are on the rise across our country, with a record number occurring in 2017 according to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – and these events are not limited to schools or any one ...

Blog Be Prepared from Maine to Florida Its Hurricane Season Again

Since 1910, the Boy Scout motto, “Be Prepared” has been used to teach more than 111 million scouts around the world the importance of being ready at all times.  Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting Movement explained the mott...

Blog Ever Admire the Fire Extinguisher?

We walk by fire extinguishers daily and probably don’t give them much thought.   If the time ever comes that we need an extinguisher, it would be great to know where it is and what its capabilities are. OSHA’s 1910.157 standard ...