21-30 of 191 results for
Transportation Industry Risks

MEMIC data analysis indicates the following are areas of concern in the transportation and utilities industries. Consider these issues and the recommended solutions that — if put into practice — can help make your business safer. 1. Mate...


A Advocate – A person who represents the interests of a party to an injury claim, typically an attorney for an insurance company or an employee. Alternate work / light duty / limited duty / modified duty / transitional work – Temporary wo...

Blog There's Nothing Nice About Black Ice

Of all the driving hazards associated with winter, there is one condition that even professional truck drivers’ fear—black ice.  Black ice shows up on pavement when it is least expected.  Dry pavement becomes a shiny, slippery ...

Blog It’s Raining Accidents on the Roadways

Weather affects just about everything in every part of the country and lately rain has had a starring role in the Northeast. Record amounts of rainfall have not only put a damper (no pun intended) on vacations, but also on agriculture, construction a...

Blog Return of the School Bus

There are many signs that indicate summer’s end no matter where you reside. The sun sets a little bit earlier. Temperatures drop noticeably at night. And the big yellow school buses reappear.  Although all three of these signs affect the t...

Blog Roadway Construction Etiquette

Every summer the warm weather brings out the roadwork crews. Although reduced speeds and stop and go driving can be frustrating for drivers—commercial and public alike—it is necessary to maintain the infrastructure. If you think about it,...

Blog Summer Driving Refresher

As the temperatures go up, so do the amount of miles that Americans drive. Getting to and from vacation spots is a rite of summer and even the high price of fuel will not deter families from driving to distant locations. With this increased traveling...

Blog Texting and Wrecking

It's well-known among workplace safety geeks that one of the most frequent hazards employees encounter on a daily basis involves driving a vehicle. This includes not only risk for those who drive for a living, as well as those with incidental driving...

Blog April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month... Hang up and Drive!

Today our lives are more demanding than ever before, and smart-phones have made us available 24/7. Our culture’s compulsion for increased productivity has forced Americans to squeeze more time out of a 24 hour day. On the surface, we think dri...

Blog National Stop on Red Week

This year the first week in August has been designated the National Stop on Red Week by The National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR). This designation is intended to remind every driver to obey the traffic safety rules, especially to be extra cautio...